Sunday, March 28, 2010

Interesting Facts about Cuba

Picture of Fidel Castro

The current leader of Cuba is Raúl Castro and he is also the 23rd president of Cuba. His brother Fidel Castro who was the 22nd president. He resined from office in February 2008. The interesting fact is that Fidel Castro has escaped from 638 assassination plots.

Here are the two websites that I got the information from:

Monday, February 8, 2010

Latest News In Cuba

Relatives of a woman named Juana Bautista de la Candelaria Rodriguez in Eastern Cuba have claimed to have held a 125th birthday on Feb 2, but it is not been confirmed. She has 15 great-grand children and four great-great-grandchildren. If this is confirmed and proved that she is 125 years old than she would be the oldest person on the planet.